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Navigate the Salesforce Advantage



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I. Introduction

Salesforce just launched a new trail on its learning web platform Trailhead : Navigate the Salesforce Advantage.

This platform is for everyone who would like to learn how to use Salesforce features. For beginners and experts, administrators and developers.

II. What is Trailhead ?

Trailhead is a web platform for newbies, developers and administrators who would like to learn how to navigate, customize and manage Salesforce by completing fun modules.

It helps you to implement best practices and correctly work with your data using

There are a lot of helpful modules, trails and projects on Trailhead with differents levels, from beginner to advanced.

For the moment, there are 67 modules, 19 trails and 17 projects, so you have some work to do !

III. Requirements

To complete the challenges, you will need a developer environment.

If you don't have one of these yet, click on this link right now to sign up and join the adventure on Trailhead, it's free !

IV. What is a module ?

Modules are a set of steps with a description of Salesforce feature and questions or exercises to check that you understand.

A trail is a set of modules grouped by categories : accounts, opportunities, reports, Apex triggers, Apex testing, Visualforce, Chatter, ..

Projects regroup everything you have learned during the different modules : data model, Apex classes, SOQL, Visualforce, dashboards, Salesforce1, ..

When you complete the exercises and challenges, you earn badges that you can display on your Trailhead profile and show to the world that you are the best !

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Below, an example of questions and exercise that you can check during a module :

Questions :

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Exercise :

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V. Navigate the Salesforce Advantage

The trail is setted of 4 modules :

  • Salesforce Success Model ;
  • Salesforce Cloud Benefits ;
  • Salesforce Technology Basics ;
  • Salesforce Ecosystem.

In each module, you will have to realize a small test to show your understanding.

To success, you need an organization. If not, please go to the chapter III. Requirements.

V-A. Salesforce Success Model

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The first module explains you what is Salesforce, how it can help you in your business and the vision for driving customer success (thanks to the four core differentiators).

V-B. Salesforce Cloud Benefits

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In this module, you will be able to understand how a complete CRM can evolve with your business needs and why Salesforce is in the cloud.

V-C. Salesforce Technology Basics

During the third module, you will learn why there is just one available version of Salesforce for customers, what mean multitenancy and you can develop fast apps with the point and click configuration and customize code.

V-D. Salesforce Ecosystem

The last module deals about the Salesforce's ecosystem and why it is important to have a community, resources and events to success with Salesforce.

VI. Summary

In this article, you have learned how to launch Salesforce on its web platform Trailhead, a new trail setted of 4 modules about the drive of its success.

When you have completed these modules, you can complete others to improve your knowledge and become a Salesforce expert.

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